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CarveLab community

Carve Lab programs offered are opportunities for individuals and groups in the dance community to shift away from the cycle of overwhelm and burnout. Every program created for the dance community is holistic, meaning there is a consideration of mental, emotional, and physical wellness, and offers tools for social connection and community support. The goal? A more easeful, balanced, and supported dance year. Is this program right for you?

Dedicated to Empowering You


Below are examples of testimonials I've received over the years.
[Some testimonials are from dancers under age 18, so all names are protected by using initials only.]
If you would like to add a testimonial, email me at!

“Annika's dedication to helping members of the dance community hone their craft is unlike any other instructor I have come across. Her extensive training in body work and somatics only strengthens her ability to teach a multi-layered curriculum. Her firm grasp on the connection between body and mind shows in her work and is unparalleled by anyone I’ve met in my teaching career. To top it all off, Annika carries a heart of gold and leaves a little of her light with any student that is fortunate enough to experience one of her classes.”

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